"This video is unique!" says the back of the box for Practical Massage, but--at least to the naked eye--the masseuses appeared to be human, and nobody was practicing the Vulcan death grip, so I'd have to say it's a lot like the dozen or so other massage videos I've seen in the past decade. Which is not to suggest it's bad: for $20, Karen Anderson and Heather Nicoll, who are LMP's (which stands for Licensed Massage Practitioners), show viewers how to do a full body massage on a fully clothed seated person. Broken into bite-size segments, the program emphasizes ease and flexibility: if you can't do a full massage, you might focus on particular parts (sort of like Hannibal Lechter); too, the instructors point out that one person's favorite move is another person's carpal tunnel syndrome, so options are given. A good introduction to massage on the fly, this is recommended for libraries without similar fare. Aud: P. (R. Pitman)
Practical Massage
(1995) 47 min. $19.95. Jump Start Productions (dist. by Wehman Video). PPR. Color cover. Vol. 11, Issue 3
Practical Massage
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.