Somewhat washed-out graphics hamper the effectiveness of this otherwise carefully thought out guide to performing basic upgrades on PC's. Hosts George Carroll and Sue Drake offer a good overview to help viewers decide whether they need a new upgrade in various areas of their computers or simply need to whip out the old Visa card and head for Computer City to buy a new system. Upgrades shown in a step-by-step fashion include upgrading the CPU (or Central Processing Unit; i.e.--the equivalent of performing brain surgery), system RAM (the computer's memory muscle), and trading up to a bigger hard drive (which allows reference librarians to fit programs like "Doom" and "Myst" on their computers). Unfortunately, the less-than-crisp graphics make the hands-on segments a little on the squinty side for the viewer. Reasonably priced, and intelligently scripted, the technical drawbacks make this an optional purchase. Aud: P. (R. Pitman)
Upgrading Your PC: Do It Yourself
(1995) 62 min. $19.95. IMAGE/ally (dist. by Bowling Green Assoc.). PPR. Color cover. Vol. 11, Issue 3
Upgrading Your PC: Do It Yourself
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