In an interesting twist, the fourth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure follows a protagonist who isn’t a true Joestar. Giorno Giovanna (Kenshô Ono/Phillip Reich) is a young Italian man who has found himself in the service of Italy’s cruelest crime boss. Giorno is the unintentional son of Dio Brando, a powerful vampire and sworn enemy of the Joestar family who was killed in Egypt in the late 80s. Starving on the streets of Naples in the early 90s, the child Giorno is shown kindness by a mob boss and falls into the lifestyle of a mobster.
Now in his teens and champing at the bit to find his place in the world, a new boss takes over. Suddenly the streets are filled with blood: car bombs, automatic weapons, and daylight assassinations find their marks and rack up collateral damage. Giorno refuses to stomach such offenses and vows to kill this mysterious and faceless boss to take his place as head of the mob and end the senseless killing of civilians.
As stated above, this season changes direction a bit, focusing on the progeny of Dio Brando instead of Jonathan Joestar. Giorno is very much like Jotaro in his characterization, though perhaps a bit more brash and violent. The kid gloves are off in this season as the fights between stand users are neither concealed nor do any participants fear police retaliation: These mobsters are out for blood.
Much like previous seasons, Golden Wind contains some surreal humor such as a segment in one of the earlier episodes the internet has dubbed ‘the torture dance’ where three of the gangsters perform a choreographed dance as their bound opponent watches. Fans of violent crime dramas like Gomorrah and Breaking Bad may enjoy the crime elements of Golden Wind and fans of action anime will want to see this season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Highly Recommended.
Where does this title belong on public library shelves?
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind television series belongs on Anime shelves, or for patrons seeking a different format of action and crime television shows.
What other Anime fans may enjoy this title?
Fans of Berserker, various Dragon Ball series, and Fist of the North Star will find similar entertainment value in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind.