The first of the new television adaptations of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure manga series, Phantom Blood looks into the roots of the Jostar family’s connection to the fate of the world. In the latter half of the 1800s, Jonathan Jostar is the heir to his father’s fortune and holdings. During his infancy, his family is saved from a carriage accident by a mysterious man. Jonathan’s father offers to repay him with whatever he desires. The man offers up his son, Dio Brando, to be raised in the Jostar household. Dio and his father have a nasty scheme: in the decades to come, Dio whispers rumors into the Jostar patriarch’s ear and causes him to doubt and even revile his own son. This put’s Jonathan’s inheritance and relationship with his father into enough danger for his father to name Dio as the new heir to the estate. In order to restore his name and regain his inheritance Jonathan fights Dio and, quite accidentally, turns him into a vampire. Now the young Jostar has a second task: save humanity from Dio’s vampiric machinations of world domination.
Not to be confused with the 110 minute straight-to-video movie of the same name, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood is a 9 episode romp which will delight fans of action and fighting. This first series in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series is an excellent choice for anime shelves. Some discs include the Battle Tendency series as well. Having originally aired in 2012, it has since been nominated for numerous awards, winning ‘best anime intro’ among other accolades. Fans of the manga often have mixed feelings, but fans of the fighting games, movies, and television shows based upon the manga love Phantom Blood. There are some obvious historical elements that make this show unlike other fighting anime, but lurking within the plot are some fantastic and intriguing supernatural elements: To defeat the now undead Dio, Jonathan must learn an ancient spiritual martial art and become a vampire hunter. While occasionally adult leaning in its content, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood is suitable for older teens. Recommended.
Where does this title belong on library shelves?
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood belongs on Anime shelves. If it is joining other members of the JJBA series, you should put it alongside fighting and action Anime. If Phantom Blood is the single title of the series in your collection, consider putting it alongside other supernatural or vampire titles.