The adventures of the young wandering swordsman, Kenshin Himura, continue in the anime’s final 33 episodes. This season is the first to deviate from the content of the manga and consists of many original filler episodes as well as three main plot arcs, giving this season a completely different feel and pace. The filler is typically comic and ranges in topic from Karou misunderstanding Kenshin and believing he plans to propose to her and Sanosuke taking care of a large shaggy dog which has stumbled into the dojo. The overarching plots move quickly, unlike past seasons. The first of these larger plotlines revolves around a murder of a politician in Kyoto. The next involves a secret society of European knights seeking a mythical medicine. The final storyline involves a clan of ninjas who practice feng shui in a way which appears magic. Through all of these plots, Kenshin uses his reverse-edged sword to defend the helpless and, with the help of his friends, stop the nefarious plans of the many enemies this season.
This season seems poorly organized compared to seasons one and two. Rurouni Kenshin is known for its easy going characterization and compelling villains, Season Three loses these traits. In Season Two, Shishio is billed as an ultimate unstoppable evil and rightly so. Rurouni Kenshin Season Three sees three short plotlines involving three separate evils that don’t seem quite so unstoppable with some very silly filler in between. There are some very interesting spiritual elements explored in this season that add some interest. It makes a lot more sense that someone could beat Kenshin with magic than with simple swordplay. If your patrons are fans of the Samurai X series and its spinoffs, Season Three of Rurouni Kenshin should be on your anime shelves. If your patrons take less interest in samurai and swordplay, you should consider other series first. Recommended.
Where does this title belong on public library shelves?
Rurouni Kenshin belongs on anime shelves. Patrons interested in 90s anime, fighting, and humor will enjoy Rurouni Kenshin.
What kind of film series could use this title?
The filler episodes in this season could easily fit into a classic anime series.
Check out our review for Season One of Rurouni Kenshin and our review for Rurouni Kenshin Season Two