Based on the title of the same name written by Jean Fritz and illustrated by J. B. Handelsman, this historical investigation traces the story of Plymouth Rock, the reputed landing spot in 1620 of America's forefathers and foresisters. Viewers will learn that the rock has actually shrunk over the years (it broke twice during transportation attempts), follow the known and speculated steps leading to the rock's eventual elevation to monument status, and get a glimpse of New England colonial life during the 17th century. Unlike other fine Weston Woods titles, however, the animation here is pretty lackluster and, even though Fritz has injected a fair amount of witty observation, the storyline drags over the full 23 minutes. Optional. Aud: E, I, P. (R. Pitman)
Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?
(1998) 23 min. $39.95. Scholastic/Weston Woods. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-78820-742-3. Vol. 14, Issue 1
Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock?
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